It’s time to amp up for virtual trade show giveaways in 2021.
As businesses are eagerly awaiting the return of trade shows, conferences, and larger events again, it will still be a process to return back to pre-pandemic circumstances with live events. It seems that the first step in the process may not be limited in-person numbers; rather it looks like trade shows, conferences, and events will start with virtual experiences. With proper preparation, these events can be a huge success. Your business can draw in audiences that are looking forward to seeing new services, products, and potential business partners.
While you will still need to invest in branded banners and displays for your virtual event, virtual trade show giveaways in 2021 should also be in your budget and plan. No matter what the future holds, you will want to be prepared for both options of a virtual and a limited in-person trade show.
General Suggestions For Virtual Trade Show Giveaways In 2021
With virtual trade shows, you will need to plan to ensure that engagement is as high as you can get it. One great idea to consider is giving out incentive gifts to draw in early registration. If you have functional, reusable, high quality items, then you will have a higher percentage of attendance and engagement throughout the trade show. You can arrange to sponsor gifts if you are an exhibitor and include your logo, web domain, contact information, etc. printed on the items.
You will also want to consider gifts like swag bags for your virtual trade show giveaways in 2021. Depending on the items that you choose to create or sponsor, people may want to connect with you more when you understand their needs and how business works throughout the pandemic (and potentially post-pandemic).
When in doubt and no matter what, brand the virtual trade show giveaways in 2021. It’s one of the best rules to live by when bringing promotional items or giveaways to any large scale, networking event. You want everything to reflect your brand without overwhelming the audience’s eyes. This means that your branding should remain subtle yet authentic. Your logo and branding colors are the best place to start. Keep it simple, light, and only print critical information onto your items if truly necessary. Less is more in this arena. When you are subtle and identifiable, you have accomplished brand recognition and brand awareness.
Themed Items
Getting into the details of what exact items you should choose for virtual trade show giveaways in 2021, there are a plethora of options. Before looking at items individually to choose from, you may want to consider going with a theme for your giveaway items. With all things considered of the past year, you want to opt for items that people will appreciate, giggle at, and/or utilize all the time. You can pick a theme that seems relevant and trendy or a theme that reflects your company and/or it’s values.
For example, some companies have chosen COVID-19 related products for their virtual trade show giveaways for 2021. That is a theme that has a wide range of items to put your brand on and promote healthy and safe living habits. There are various promotional products in the market that will be tremendous examples of how much you care. For example, branded paper soap is a personal hygiene product that looks and feels like magic. Paper soap is stored in a small and portable pouch to ensure that you wash your hands squeaky clean, no matter the circumstances. It can even fit in your wallet!
Another popular promotional item may very well be a custom branded screen cleaner for your phone. This promotes healthy and clean daily practices if you utilize your phone all day long. You can keep you, your clients and/or employees safe by decreasing the number of bacteria on your mobile device. Other examples include masks, keychain hand sanitizers, no-contact openers or any no touch tool, and tissue packets.
Some other themes for virtual trade show giveaways for 2021 include the following: work from home (branded coasters, lunch boxes or tray tables, cutlery sets, custom cable tags for organizing your technology, oil diffusers, phone grips and stands, fleece zip-ups, stress relievers, face masks, ice scrapers, etc.), healthy work-life balance (eye mask, lotion, lip balm, face roller, robe, slippers, socks, scented candle and matches set, etc.), and movie night (knit blanket, streaming gift cards, restaurant gift cards, an assortment of snacks in creative branded packaging, a smartphone projector, etc.). Theming options are truly endless in possibilities.
Get creative with your team for these virtual trade show giveaways in 2021. You want to show other companies and consumers that you care about them by what you do. Everything should reflect your brand with beautiful packaging, displays, and high-quality items with exquisite printing. At Mind’s Eye Cre8tive, our priority is providing high quality services with products that reflect your brand exceptionally. Call us today to find out more about what we offer!