Should you invest in branded face masks anymore?
It is an item that we have all become familiar with for almost a year’s time now. Our idea of face masks has completely changed from pre-pandemic days. They have become an accessory that were recommended, enforced, and hopefully will become recommended again soon. There is no knowing what the future of face masks are. In the meantime, it can be extremely beneficial to your brand in creating brand awareness and recognition by investing in branded face masks, if you haven’t already. It is a simple way to boost your workplace culture and morale as well as generating stronger consumer and clientele loyalty.
Boost Morale
As more and more companies are considering the idea of bringing back remote workers, giving branded face masks to everyone returning can do more than keep everyone healthier and safer. Many people are concerned about coming back to work. It can cause anxiety and stress due to the feeling of apprehension about what to expect. Your workplace will have to create safeguards such as social distancing and continued digitalization for much in-house communication.
The extra step that you can do for your employees and colleagues is providing branded face masks. Not just one, but you will want to consider several designs. This way people can choose designs that they personally favor. It also allows employees to feel part of the team. By providing quality, branded face masks, you are reassuring your colleagues and employees that you’re taking the necessary steps to make a safe workplace for all.
Brand Awareness And Recognition
With any marketing or promotional items that you produce, you need everything to reflect and represent your brand. Why? Because the ultimate goal is to generate as much brand awareness and recognition as possible. The design of your branded face masks matters more than you think. With products and items that are reusable such as masks, you want to abide by the classic rule of thumb: less is more. Simply having your logo on custom face coverings can be more than enough.
You want to choose materials that are comfortable, cozy, and high quality. It will increase the likelihood of your branded face masks being worn in other places than just work. Consult with your print management agency to find the right materials and proper printing technique to produce the ideal branded face masks that everyone loves.
Other than your logo and brand colors, what else can you incorporate into your design that creates brand awareness and recognition? You can focus on a specific sentiment and message within your branding. If you have certain values that you want to uphold or want to spread brand awareness with a branded message or saying. One route that you opt for is personalization. If this is in fact for boosting morale within your organization and still function with in-person meetings, you can personalize with names or nicknames on your branded face masks. This can make your daily workplace and culture much more fun, lively, and inviting for all that walk through your doors.
Other Benefits
When it comes to branded face masks, there are more benefits than boosting morale and gaining more brand awareness and recognition. Some of the other benefits include the following: environmentally friendly due to reusability, ability to be washed at high temperatures to kill the virus, saving money long term, and increased employee/consumer safety. All these benefits are also a sign that you care deeply for others and the state that our country is in. You are doing your part in protecting and keeping others healthy as much as possible.
Though most people don’t want to be constantly reminded that we are still in a pandemic; it is still a factor in our everyday lives. However, it is currently better to lean into this than ignore it. Your branded face masks can boost morale and create stronger work culture, or it can bring more brand awareness with promotional gifts for consumers. At Mind’s Eye Cre8tive, we provide high quality services and finished products that reflect your brand properly. We collaborate with our clients and use up to date technology with our digital and printed designs and projects. Call us today to find out more about what we offer!