As a business, you want to close as many sales deals as you can. It would be ideal to close every deal on the table because that would make business boom, but that’s simply a dream. That’s not reality. However, we do know one aspect that can get you awfully close to that dream. The key to that type of success comes from custom design. That’s right, custom design can help you close more deals. It seems too simple to be true, but that’s simply the reality.


Custom design should trickle throughout your business. This affects your logo, branding, any marketing campaigns, product packaging, and the list goes on. Everything should reflect your company cohesively and reflect professionalism in regard to your industry. When it comes to marketing materials online or offline, direct mail, branded apparel and/or gear; your custom design can be quality without breaking the budget. Your custom design can help you close more deals when your physical materials are printed correctly and with care.


These tips for custom design can help you close more deals:

Perceived Quality


Perceived quality is the measure of belief a customer has on the quality of a product or service. This belief refers to what the customer expects and how the customer compares your quality with competitors before even consuming your product or service. It’s an unfortunate reality that the true quality of an item or service is less important to most consumers when deciding what brands to purchase from. What elements make up perceived quality? Here’s some input:


Consumers evaluate perceived quality on products with:

  • Features
  • Performance
  • Durability
  • Reliability
  • Conformity with specifications
  • Serviceability
  • Fit and finish


Consumers evaluate perceived quality on services with:

  • Competence
  • Tangibles
  • Responsiveness
  • Reliability
  • Empathy


When done well, custom design can help you close more deals by perceived quality reflected in your design. Don’t cut around corners, just to have a brochure. Always do your due diligence because you want everything in your business to reflect top quality.


Useful Information In Physical Form


There are a lot of moving parts that make your business function. One tip that is crucial for all businesses is having premium printed materials in the physical form. Not only that, but those materials must have useful information on them! Don’t just print something for the sake of printing. You’ll be wasting your money, efforts, and time. It doesn’t matter if you’re a tech company or a clothing boutique, you need printed materials that contain critical information for prospects and continuing consumers. Whether it’s specific information about a new product, service, your staff, charity work you do, etc., it needs to be useful information and not just buzzwords. Don’t just use templates from your computer, you should custom design your brochures, business cards, packaging, etc. If that thought overwhelms you, then consider hiring someone or a company to do this part for you. Either way, this particular moving part in your business is another way how custom design can help you close more deals.



Stay Top Of Mind With Leave Behinds


You need that leave behind to stick out. Anything that you hand to your prospect, new client, or old client should be branded and printed well. It would be a nightmare if your leave behind was a high-quality item or information about a service paired with low quality printing or custom design. Invest in your printed materials because they can make all the difference in the world. Custom design can help you close more deals, but it’s even better when your printing service is top notch.



Putting useful information in physical form alongside creative leave behinds pour into a consumer’s perceived quality. Your design ultimately needs to simply stand out in a positive way. Mind’s Eye Cre8tive can make those cohesive custom designs come to life. There’s always a tricky balance between simplicity and personality, but with our expertise we can find that balance. Call us today with any questions about custom design or printing options. We know how custom design can help you close more deals, and we’re here to help make it happen.

Published On: August 1st, 2019 / Categories: Business Advice, Print /