With any type of marketing or branding for your organization, you want and need to have quality materials to represent you well. Since most marketing and branding has been digitized in recent years, there are still printing necessities to have within and for your organization. That could be in-store displays, advertising posters, banners, important reports, promotional materials and the list goes on. If you aren’t mindful or plan ahead, printing costs can add up quicker than you think. You need a trusty printing provider to take care of all of your premium print needs.
Who Can Help With My Premium Print Needs?
Premium print can become too costly over time for small businesses to large corporations. Why is that? The best advice we can give is that you need to consider your printing needs and options seriously before you start printing. Here are some figures as to why print management services are critical for your organization’s budget and overall productivity:
- Document costs represent 5-15% of your revenue
- Having supplier agreements can reduce operating costs by 20-30%
- General IT needs are spent 15% of the time on printing issues
- A staggering near 90% of companies do not track their printing costs
What Makes A Premium Print
One of the biggest differences with a premium print and classic print is the thickness of paper. This single aspect improves the overall printing quality as well as visual quality displayed. Whether it’s photos, logos, charts, graphs, or figures to show at meetings or for marketing purposes; premium offset printing is more cost effective when it comes to large quantities per unit. Another quality of difference between premium print and classic is the ink. You will have superior color quality in comparison, which serves your organization better with branding recognition and spreading brand awareness.
When it comes to your premium print needs, you need someone to take care of your managed print services. From small to large orders, Mind’s Eye Cre8tive can help you from design to printing finish. Our priority is to bring you quality printing, whether it’s for a promotional gift to your new client to creating a custom banner for your organization. Call us today to find out more about the services that we offer!